Teaching Welding Symbols and Fractions

For me one of the best ideas I stumbled on from another teacher was the use of little white boards and dry erase markers when teaching students how to read welding symbols, construction math and fractions. I found that dry erase boards are great for working with students when teaching something visual. Instead of calling a student on the carpet to come to the front of the class and draw a welding symbol I keep a stack of boards along with a box of markers in my classroom. When I get to the chapters with welding symbols I pass out the little white boards and dry erase markers. I then start asking questions to the class and having them draw the welding symbols on their white board. This allows the students to do their work or pose a problem, have students jot the answer down on their boards before sharing with the group. I usually have half a dozen questions in a PowerPoint presentation with the question on slide one and the answer to the question on slide number 2. I ask the question - ...